Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Woodland Indian Bow

 There were many, many tribe that would be classified as Woodland Indians.  And each of these tribes had customs and craftspeople that set their bows apart as being unique.  

These individual and tribal variations were endless, however the principle of bow making,  the tree species available and qualities of those wood types also produced some ‘generic’ Woodland Indian Bows which were cross cultural.

The relative qualities of these bows are cross section, wood type and profile.  Many Woodland Indian bows were rectangular in cross section and between 50 and 65 inches.  They bend slightly in the handle and have a universal longbow profile and are made from 'white woods' such as Ash or Hickory.  


In recreating many bows I am still very fond of these cross cultural woodland Indian bows Available and Made to Order from 

Their beauty is in their simplicity.

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