Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snake Bows

 There are a lot of things one may do to change the appearance of a bow,   but few are as elegant as the application of a snake skin backing. 

 Originally this was seldom performed on Woodland Indian Bows, as it was more applicable to protect a sinew backing from weather, such as with shorter bows from the mid west.. However lack of evidence is not proof of absence.

I find the effect to be heightened by applying the snake skin to a bow which has a natural ‘wiggle’  producing a very alive presence.

While wavy grained wood is more time consuming to make into a bow, they are just as powerful when made by skilled hands.  They are Available Made To Order at North Wood Traditional Archery.

Woodland Indian Bow

 There were many, many tribe that would be classified as Woodland Indians.  And each of these tribes had customs and craftspeople that set their bows apart as being unique.  

These individual and tribal variations were endless, however the principle of bow making,  the tree species available and qualities of those wood types also produced some ‘generic’ Woodland Indian Bows which were cross cultural.

The relative qualities of these bows are cross section, wood type and profile.  Many Woodland Indian bows were rectangular in cross section and between 50 and 65 inches.  They bend slightly in the handle and have a universal longbow profile and are made from 'white woods' such as Ash or Hickory.  


In recreating many bows I am still very fond of these cross cultural woodland Indian bows Available and Made to Order from 

Their beauty is in their simplicity.

Seneca scalloped edge bow


The scalloped bows used by the Seneca People were  very creative and beautiful.  I wish that I knew what importance these wave like patterns had to them.  What is apparent is that they have no advantage in bow performance, but are extremely difficult to make and very lovely.

These bows could be made of various woods, but hickory was the most documented.  It should be noted also that the Seneca were considered very fierce by neighboring tribes. 

In recreating these fine bows, I have come to appreciate their rebel like appearance and how incredibly unique they are.  They are available made to order at North Wood Traditional Archery